We believe survivors should not suffer alone and deserve a safe place to heal
COVID-19 Update 10/5/22: Hi friends, even though we had to postpone our 4th retreat, that has not stopped us, see how we have pivoted and what we have done during the pandemic here. In-person retreats are paused till further notice.
If you are interested in learning the science of trauma online, Sunlight Retreats Founder and Survivor Brittany Catton Kirk created an award-winning online program SunlightU during the pandemic.
Our Belief: The phone and online are naturally impersonal—sexual trauma can only be supported and healing can begin when people are brought together to address the unique symptoms of trauma, human to human.
Sunlight Retreats is a nonprofit social enterprise that helps survivors shine with an accelerated healing experience for survivors of rape through safe and healthy retreats where we come together to learn, grow and heal in a serene environment through guided sessions facilitated by trauma care specialists based on scientific research. Watch us shine.
“I am infinitely grateful for the retreat because it gave me the tools to face my life in a compassionate and graceful way. I would watch life from the nosebleeds, rather than participate in the game. Now, I have the tools to truly love myself in a way I never could have imagined. This experience is something every survivor could benefit from. I am so grateful to be free from the shame and burden of trauma.”- Tasha, Team 3

"Circle of healing and light. Our feet ground us, support us and take us into our new futures. An unlikely sisterhood. We come from varied upbringings, socioeconomic status and professional backgrounds... but the thing that brings us together is the trauma of Rape. We came from all over the country to Sunlight Retreat to continue heal ourselves & in the process bonded as sisters. The weekend wasn't slumber parties and pillow fights... it was hard work. Therapy. Release. Bonding. Learning. Understanding. Uplifting. Sharing. Embracing. Crying. Letting go. Taking back our voices. We were victims of Rape / Sexual Assault / Molestation but that DOES NOT define us. It wasn't our fault. We didn't rape ourselves. But we can, and will, choose to heal ourselves. To press forward in strength. To fight for life & healing & happiness. We are warriors. We do not fight alone. Out of violence we rise. We will uplift those around us light & love & healing. We are stronger together. Never underestimate the power of a woman & respect the tribe. Thank you to our fearless leader and everyone who sponsored, donated, volunteered and attended. I am better because I know you. ❤ "
By Rabeka Harrison, Survivor, Activist and Sunlight Team Two
"Expressed with gratitude from the bottom of my heart for this soul shifting experience. Sunlight Retreat 2018, the weekend the lives of 15 women radically changed. The retreat doesn’t only reach this weekend, it reaches an entire lifetime. I have been hiding under a blanket of shame, and terror and loneliness for years but being afforded the opportunity to be at this retreat has altered my reality."
- Sunlight Retreats Team One Member